Sunday, March 18, 2012

Democracy is under seige

Today I watched a YouTube video about "The White House Coup of 1933". Very interesting video to say the least. The BBC journalist, be reminded that the UK is one of the most socialist states on earth, made the case for "a coup by the band wall stretch banks and corporations". He went on to present some documents with "supporting" evidence. The criminals put together a clan to bring down the government that wanted to take from the "what they worked so hard to create". They hired a connected general to back them. But the brave general gave away the criminals
Our government gave them a deal so that they do not kill the president. I'm not sure where Jessie got the balls to put such garbage on his blog. This video is what has kicked off my interest in a blog. I will continue to look out for dubious signs that are trashing our Democracy. The video was posted on Jessie's Cafe, one of the blogs I regularly visit. The video is designed to fool the people into approving of political misdoings (bailouts, progrgrams). The video proposes an idea of what happened, provides "evidence" that is as good as pulling a paragraph out a comic book. It squarely puts the blame on the "evil" bankers and corporations. After all, they hated the new deal so much that the same evil banks and corporations benefited from it the most. So what is going on here is not a defense of democracy as the video initially suggests, it is the trashing of it. It is a slap on Democracy, not a defense of it.

The issues at hand back in 1933 are being ignored. Fraud, corruption, greed, theft in the eyes of the masses, lying to their face (this video).

What do we know about 1930s?

We know banks were allowed to roam wild, with the public as backstop.

We know that the government's new deal did not work. It could not because all the government does is take from one hand to give to the other. With today's bloated government, we have more waste than ever. It also creates an environment that is less business and capital friendly.

We know that had it not been for the war, the depression would have lasted much longer.

Non of the above are conspiracies like the one in the video. There is no need to pull out a conspiracy to justify the truth.

The video makes a good fictional novel, while justifying the same "evil" things it portrays. It's sad that some will watch this and believe it. Jessie, you are smarter than that.